Begins Sunday, December 1
Core Sunday School Class
Teacher: Mike Cruice
Location: M-110
How can I talk with my friends about the gospel? And if God is sovereign in salvation, why do I even need to? The Evangelism core class taught by Mike Cruice will cover practical help in sharing your faith, motivations for sharing your faith, and truths to combat the fear you may feel in sharing your faith. If you want to be motivated in your evangelism, this class is for you.
Membership Matters
January 19-February 23
Core Sunday School Class
Teachers: Various Pastors
The Membership Matters class overviews the core beliefs and commitments of HPBC. It will help you get to know us and give you an opportunity to interact and ask questions along the way. If you’re interested in joining Hampton Park, this class is the first step; though, you are welcome to attend even if you do not plan to join. Register here.
Membership Matters Weekend
February 7 & 8
Weekend Core Class
Teachers: Various Pastors
Location: Fellowship Hall
The weekend option for the Membership Matters class will be offered on February 7 & 8 in the Fellowship Hall. The class will meet Friday evening beginning at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday morning beginning at 8:30 a.m. Register here.