Core Sunday School Classes

Women's Class: Digging Deeper

March 2-May 18
Core Sunday School Class
Teacher: Cindy Garland
Location: Y-203 (Band Room)

Do you ever think that the Bible—or at least some of it—is just too difficult for you to understand? Or maybe you sometimes wonder if you’re correctly applying a verse or passage. Rest assured; God wants women to not only read His Word, He wants women to understand it. In this practical, hands-on class, you’ll learn how to use some basic, right-at-your-fingertips tools that will give you greater confidence as you read and apply God’s Word.

The Christian and Work

March 2-May 18
Core Sunday School Class
Teachers: Peter Keew, Mike Campbell, and Miguel del Toro
Location: M-110

Why do you work? Whether you're in school, flipping burgers, raising kids, running a company, or even retired, you are called to work. But what is God's purpose for our work? Why does our daily work often seem so burdensome and meaningless? How do we find joy in our work without making work an idol? How do we address relational and ethical issues that come up in our work? And what constitutes success in our work? We will explore these questions and more as we consider biblical teaching about this fundamental aspect of our lives.