Piedmont Women's Center


Who are they?

Piedmont Women’s Center (PWC) is a trusted provider of reproductive health care serving the upstate of South Carolina and surrounding areas. Their involvement with professional community partners enables them to provide free services (laboratory quality pregnancy testing, pregnancy consultations, and limited OB ultrasounds) at three locations in the Upstate.

How does this partnership advance the mission of HPBC?

Partnership with PWC will enable members of HPBC (both women and men) to be involved in pointing clients to Jesus during one on one conversations. Further, it will enable other members of our church to support that important work “behind the scenes” through various tangible acts of service (e.g. work on or around PWC buildings, baby showers, etc.).

How can I be involved?

  • Client Advocate is a lady who speaks with a female client or man who speaks with a male client that comes to or calls the PWC clinics. This volunteer could also be one who will serve at the Administrative Office or volunteer as a Hopeline Advocate who answers the phones after hours and on weekends. Each client advocate must complete PWC’s Training which consists of multiple hours of educational time spread over multiple days. Additional training time is spent in clinics for advocates, and necessary training is provided for administrative tasks. This training prepares you to work in the clinics, as a Hopeline Advocate, or at the Administrative Office, and gives you a foundational knowledge of PWC as well as important national life-affirming information.
  • Lead Project Volunteers coordinate members of a church to partner with PWC and accomplish a needed task at one of the PWC locations (e.g. building maintenance, cutting grass, painting, cleaning, planting flowers, spreading mulch).
  • Sponsors and/or Participants are needed for the Annual Banquet (March 7) and Annual 5K (October 5).
  • Hosting a Baby Shower is a way that a LifeGroup, Sunday School Class, or other small group can provide necessary items to PWC. Items donated through these baby showers would be given to PWC clients.
  • Medical Client Advocates go through the Client Advocate training class (referenced above), then shadow Client Advocates in clinics to learn how to do peer counseling. They help run pregnancy tests, answer basic medical questions, and counsel clients. Limited OB Ultrasound training for RNs is available as needed after a minimum of 3 months of weekly volunteering.

Where do I start? 

Click Here