What to Expect

Our Sunday Gatherings


Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. at various locations on campus. You can expect to find numerous classes for adults. Some classes learn together according to life stages (young families, senior citizens, etc.) while other classes are formed around a core of foundational topics (Discipleship, Neighboring, etc.) No matter the ages or the topics, this time together recognizes the necessity of the Bible being the center for all instruction.

Find a Sunday School Class


Our Sunday Morning Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Main Auditorium. You can expect to see our congregation being led in prayers of confession, praise, and intercession. You can expect to sing together as a congregation led by a choir and orchestra. You can expect to hear a message from the Bible that accurately teaches the text, moves our hearts to exalt in Christ, and challenges our conduct to reflect gospel truth.



Our Sunday Evening Gathering begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Main Auditorium. You can expect a less formal, family-like environment. You will hear members testify to God’s work in their lives; you will hear reports of what God is doing throughout our ministry, and you will hear members praying for individuals, our church, for our local community, and for our world. We end our evening together with a brief encouragement from God’s Word.


We believe that children can learn deep truths at a young age because the Holy Spirit is at work in their hearts, opening their eyes to truth. Our Children's Ministry is available during Sunday School and our Sunday Morning Worship for nursery through elementary age. Nursery and Preschool Kids4Truth are offered during our Evening Gatherings.

Learn More About Children's Ministry


What to Expect...

You can expect a warm greeting by a church host or hostess and probably quite a few church members who will ask your name and how they can help you drop off your kids, find a certain location, or simply where to find a hot cup of coffee.

What Do I Wear?

There is no dress code at Hampton Park. We simply try to dress in such a way that we do not distract others from the true focus of our gatherings - Christ Jesus. Some of our people dress more casually and others more formally. So don't feel the need to impress others with how you dress, just come ready to focus on Christ and help others to do the same.


Our Small Group Gatherings 



Weeknights at Host Homes 


LifeGroups are our small groups that meet at various member homes on weeknights. You can expect to find a small group of our people ready to develop friendships with you, encourage you, pray for you, and disciple you. LifeGroups are a great way to get connected and stay connected and involved in the lives of other members at Hampton Park.

Learn more about LifeGroups